The Sedgwick County Extension Education Center is home for Extension educational programs for citizens of Sedgwick County. When meeting rooms are not being utilized for Extension programs and activities, they are available to rent to the public. Please read and follow the terms and policies below as a renter.

  • Keys must be picked up at the Extension Center during normal business hours 8 am–5 pm Monday-Friday, excluding holidays. Key pickup is located at the reception desk near the flagpole entrance.
  • Keys must be returned within 48 hours of event. After business hours, keys may be dropped in the return slot at the main entrance.
  • Please ensure all doors are locked before returning the keys.
  • Handicap-accessible doors are located at every public entrance.
  • Handicap-accessible door ON/OFF switches are located above outer doors.
  • To activate handicap-accessible doors, turn the switch to the ON position. The switch must be turned OFF when locking the building to leave. Renter is liable for any damages incurred due to failure to adhere to policy.
  • A $100 deposit will be due when keys are picked up. This is done with a check or cash. Renter may pick up the deposit after the event, or the check can be destroyed at the renter’s request, as long as keys are returned and the items on green checklist are addressed. The deposit may be kept at the discretion of Sedgwick County Extension Education staff for any (but not limited to) the following issues: improper cleanup, keys not returned, doors not locked (including handicap-accessible doors), and/or damage to facilities or equipment.
    • If the deposit is not picked up by 30 days after the event, Sedgwick County Extension will keep the money regardless of room condition.
  • 2-hour minimum required for reservations – maximum charge per day is 8 hours
  • All reservations are to be paid in full 7 days before event.
  • Cancellations must be made at least 7 days before reservation, or renters will be responsible for full cost.
  • All businesses must provide a current certificate of insurance.
  • 30-minute slots are provided before and after each rental for set-up and clean-up.
  • Anything beyond tables and chairs are to be provided by renter (including projector, screen, computer, extension cords, etc.)
  • Use of all tobacco products (including vaping products) is prohibited inside the Extension Education Center and within 25 feet of doors.
  • Taping, nailing or otherwise adhering materials (including command strips) to floors, walls, or ceiling is prohibited.
  • No motorized vehicles or trailers are allowed in rooms, specifically 4-H Hall.
  • All persons under the age of 18 must have adult supervision.
  • Please be respectful of other renters that may be in the building. Keep all activities within room rented, refrain from allowing noise or extra activity in hallways without prior approval.
  • Security is the responsibility of the renter.
  • Personal injury, accident, property loss or damage to individuals or property is the full responsibility of the individual, organization, business, or firm represented by the individual signing the rental contract.
  • Renter is responsible for repairs and/or replacements required due to damage or loss to Sedgwick County Extension Education Center building, grounds, and/or equipment beyond the $100 deposit.
  • Sedgwick County Extension reserves the right to cancel a reservation in the event that the premises has been destroyed or damaged as to render it unfit for the event, by fire or the elements or any other cause, or any circumstances beyond our control making it impossible for fulfillment of the reservation.
  • Sedgwick County Extension Education Center reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who does not observe and comply with all Federal, State, and Municipal laws, charters, ordinances, rules and regulations.
  • Sedgwick County reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who provides programs that may be in conflict with Extension programming and services, including but not limited to Medicare counseling, nutrition classes, and agriculture/horticulture events.

Marketing Policies

  • Sedgwick County, Sedgwick County Commissioners, Sedgwick County Extension Council, K-State Research and Extension and all employees DO NOT assume any liability associated with use stated in signed rental contract.
  • Sedgwick County Extension Education Center, Kansas State University, Kansas State University Research & Extension, Sedgwick County, Sedgwick County Commissioners, Sedgwick County Extension Council, and its employees do not agree to sponsor any event or activity held by renter.
  • All advertising should state the location as “Sedgwick County Extension Education Center.”
  • Renter’s event contact information must be clearly visible, and it should not be misrepresented as a K-State Research and Extension-Sedgwick County event.
  • All print, television, radio, and social media advertising must state “Not affiliated or endorsed by Sedgwick County Extension Education Center” in a font size consistent with the advertisement.
  • Non-compliance and any misrepresentation of organization or event as K-State Research and Extension – Sedgwick County will result in cancellation and future reservations will not be approved.
  • All renters are prohibited from selling participant information to outside entities.