Victory Garden 101

Enjoy a series of online classes that will answer your questions about how to get started with your Victory Garden! The live classes were held in April-May of 2020, but you can watch the recordings and access the course materials below.

We have a Facebook Group that is another opportunity for interaction with class participants and a way to ask questions as you grow your garden. Join the group here:

Class 1: Preparing Your Garden Site & Soil

Choosing the right spot for your garden and preparing the soil will get your garden off to a great start! Learn tips for starting from scratch with your garden and how to be sure your plants get the food they need to grow.


PowerPoint slides (PDF)

Notes & Resources page (PDF)

Class 2: Basic Garden Planning

Are your eyes bigger than your garden space? Learn when to plant, how much space it takes, and how to get the most out of your garden space.


PowerPoint slides (PDF)

Notes & Resources page (PDF)

Garden Templates

Class 3: Grow Your Own Salad

Basic leafy greens and root veggies can be some of the most rewarding (and quick!) things to grow. Get some ideas for how to tuck your salads into your garden space.


PowerPoint slides (PDF)

Notes & Resources page (PDF)

Class 4: Tips for Great Tomatoes

Everyone wants a bountiful tomato crop, but they can be a real challenge in Kansas gardens. Learn the basic tips for success.


PowerPoint slides (PDF)

Notes & Resources page (PDF)

Class 5: Using Your Vertical Space

Short on garden space but you still want to grow some vining crops? Learn how to use your vertical space so you can enjoy cucumbers, melons, and squash in your small garden.


PowerPoint slides (PDF)

Notes & Resources page (PDF)

Class 6: Water, Weather & Weeds!

Despite your best gardening intentions, the Kansas weather can wreak havoc on your plants. Then the weeds take over! Get some tips for navigating these challenges.


PowerPoint slides (PDF)

Additional Weed ID Slides (PDF)

Notes & Resources page (PDF)

Class 7: Common Insect Problems

We love our vegetables, but lots of insects do too! Learn about the most common insect problems in Kansas gardens and how to manage them.


PowerPoint slides (PDF)

Notes & Resources page (PDF)

Class 8: Common Disease Problems

Every gardening season is different, but there are certain diseases that we see almost every year. Learn how to prevent diseases before they happen and how to manage them once they occur.


PowerPoint slides (PDF)

Notes & Resources page (PDF)

Contact Information

Have Questions? Contact:

Sedgwick County
7001 W. 21st St. North
Wichita KS 67205-1759 (316) 660-0144

Garden Hotline
(316) 660-0190
9 am - Noon
1 pm - 4 pm

Abbey Draut
Food Crops Horticulture Agent
(316) 660-0142