WaterWise Irrigation

Your home lawn can still be beautiful with less water, but there is no one easy approach to reducing your water use.

Programs We Offer

Most of our lawn care classes include information on lawn irrigation. Every few years we offer classes specifically on lawn irrigation practices.

On Our Grounds

Our fescue areas are irrigated by an automatic sprinkler system. We use a rain sensor to prevent irrigation during or immediately after a rain event. We manually turn off the system when we have had a lot of rain to prevent overwatering. We replaced all the sprinkler heads with highly efficient rotors in 2014, and we are constantly adjusting the system to account for new plantings and changes to our landscape.


How do I know how much water my sprinkler system is applying?

The best way to determine how much water you are applying is to measure it by using catch cans or rain gauges.

How much water does my lawn need?

We often say that an average lawn needs 1" of water each week. However, that is a bit too general to really tell you much. Warm season grasses (Buffalo, Bermuda, and Zoysia) often need much less water to thrive. Tall fescue will need varying amounts depending on the weather. During a dry period in the spring or fall, a fescue lawn may need only 1" per week. However, during a hot, dry, windy period in the summer, your fescue lawn may need 1" of water every 3 days. A sandy soil may need water even more frequently. There are many factors to consider.

How can I make my sprinkler system more efficient?

It is important to check you sprinkler system for problems at least once a year in the spring. You can also hire an irrigation company to complete a system audit. Ways to improve your water efficiency include:

  • Checking for broken heads or leaks
  • Watering in the early morning
  • Using soak and cycle to improve infiltration in clay soils
  • Switching to more efficient sprinkler heads, such as MP Rotor heads with low flow rates.

Important Links

K-State Lawn How-To Videos

KSU Turf Information Page

Lawn Problem Solver

Kansas Healthy Yards

Contact Information

Have Questions? Contact:

Sedgwick County
7001 W. 21st St. North
Wichita KS 67205-1759
(316) 660-0144

Garden Hotline
(316) 660-0190
9 am - Noon
1 pm - 4 pm

Matt McKernan
Ornamental Horticulture Agent
(316) 660-0140