News Archives
December 2019
Extension to host best-selling author and foodscape expert Brie Arthur at the 2020 Design & Grow Gardening Workshop
Friday, December 13, 2019
Celebrated international author and horticulturist Brie Arthur will speak on the topic of her best-selling book, The Foodscape Revolution, at the 2020 Design & Grow Gardening Workshop on Saturday, February 1, 2020, at the Sedgwick County Extension Education Center. Experts will also cover additional topics in the field of horticulture at this all-day event.
Local Food Producer Entrepreneurship Workshop designed to assist local food producers gain essential business, marketing skills
Friday, December 13, 2019
There is more to growing local food than planting a few seeds. To have a thriving local food, business it is necessary to have modern business and marketing skills to compete in the marketplace. The Local Food Producer Entrepreneurship Workshop is designed to help aspiring and existing local food producers gain those skills.
Regional Farmers' Market Workshop in Wichita Feb. 8
Friday, December 13, 2019
The Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) and K-State Research and Extension (KSRE) will host a regional workshop at the Sedgwick County Extension Center 4-H Hall on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020. This is one of six regional workshops which are being offered this year to assist farmers’ market vendors and managers. The other workshop locations are Iola, Olathe, Hiawatha, Beloit and Leoti.
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