Community Gardening

Community Garden

There are many great reasons to have a garden in your neighborhood. Gardens in our community help reduce crime, increase exercise, and improve the health of gardeners. We have information to assist you with locating a community garden for your personal use as well as starting and maintaining a new community garden.

Looking for a Garden?

If you are looking for a place to garden or volunteer with a garden, we maintain a list of gardens around the area here: Sedgwick County Community Garden List.

Please contact Debra Harries for more information or to add or update garden information.

Starting a Community Garden

Starting a community garden can be challenging and rewarding. We can provide assistance with site assessment, planning, and facilitating community meetings. The video below discusses the different types of Community Gardens.

Resources for Your Garden

If your community garden is already up and running, we can provide further assistance through our mentor program. You can also request a hands-on or lecture-style presentation on a variety of gardening topics for your members to be done at your community garden. In addition, our Foods & Nutrition department can provide classes on cooking, food preservation, and nutrition.

We also maintain an email list of existing garden leaders and organizers to share information about scheduled programs, grant opportunities, and other resources. Please contact Debra Harries via email or by phone at (316) 660-0138 to sign up or for more information on any of the community gardening resources we offer.

Important Links

Kansas Community Gardens

How-To Videos

Kansas Garden Guide

K-State Fruit & Vegetable Publications

Local Foods Resources for Kansans

Contact Information

Have Questions? Contact:

Sedgwick County
7001 W. 21st St. North
Wichita KS 67205-1759
(316) 660-0144

Garden Hotline
(316) 660-0190
9 am - Noon
1 pm - 4 pm

Abbey Draut
Food Crops Horticulture Agent
(316) 660-0142

Debra Harries
Master Gardener Coordinator
(316) 660-0138