Master Gardener Awards

Each year, Extension Master Gardener Volunteers are recognized for their service and dedication. These awards recognize work that goes above and beyond the requirements of the Master Gardener program, exceptional leadership, and dedication over many years.

Melba B. Compton Master Gardener Volunteer of the Year Award

This award was started in 2015 in memory and honor of Melba Compton. This award is intended to recognize a Sedgwick County Extension Master Gardener for significant work, assistance, or leadership in Master Gardener outreach programming in Sedgwick County, Kansas. A volunteer can win the award no more than every 3 years.

Emeritus Master Gardeners

Extension Master Gardener Emeritus is a special category of membership bestowed as an honor upon an active member by majority vote of the Executive Committee of the Advisory Board, Agent(s), and Master Gardener Program Coordinator. The requirements that must be met to qualify for the designation of Emeritus shall be determined by the Advisory Board and be contained in the program guide. An Extension Master Gardener Emeritus shall remain on the current membership roster and have all the rights and privileges of an active member.

Golden Trowel Awards

Golden Trowel award winners are those Master Gardeners that have been nominated by their fellow MGs or by staff for their outstanding work and service to the MG program in the previous year. A volunteer can win the award no more than every 5 years.

Most Hours Awards

Each year, we honor the top three Master Gardener volunteers with the most volunteer hours. These volunteers have gone far beyond the minimum requirements in the past year!

Important Links

Compton Award Application

Golden Trowel Award Nomination

Emeritus Status Nomination

Contact Information

Have Questions? Contact:

Sedgwick County
7001 W. 21st St. North
Wichita KS 67205-1759
(316) 660-0144

Matthew McKernan
Ornamental Horticulture Agent
(316) 660-0140

Debra Harries
MG Volunteer Coordinator
(316) 660-0138