Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

Want to make healthy changes in your life? The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) can help! EFNEP offers free nutrition classes where you will learn how to:

  • Make healthy food choices on a budget
  • Plan nutritious, delicious, and quick meals
  • Prepare featured recipes
  • Follow proper food safety precautions
  • Incorporate more physical activity into your everyday life

Who We Serve

Mother and Son Cooking

EFNEP serves families with young children, pregnant women, and children in grades 6-8 who are recieving or eligible for:

  • Head Start
  • SNAP
  • TANF
  • WIC
  • Free or reduced lunch


EFNEP Sedgwick County offers virtual series and in-person classes in partnership with community organizations. Please see our event calendar for current class offerings. You explore more information about each curriculum by following the links below:


Interested in taking an EFNEP nutrition series but didn't see a current series that fits your schedule? Fill out our survey here and we'll be in touch.

Community Organizations

We work with a wide range of community organizations including recreation deparments, libraries, social services, churches, and more!

If you're a community organization interested in hosting a series, please reach out to the EFNEP Agent by phone or email to discuss programming options in more detail.

The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program is sponsored by the USDA and implemented by K-State Research & Extension.





Additional Resources

Sedgwick County Food Resources

Double Up Food Bucks (SNAP)

Department for Children and Families (Food Assistance Benefits)

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) - Sedgwick County


Spend Smart. Eat Smart.

Questions? Contact Us!

Laurie Carr
(316) 660-0119 lauriec@ksu.edu

Jennifer Exline
FCS Office Professional
(316) 660-0143

EFNEP Sedgwick County
7001 W. 21st St. North
Wichita KS 67205-1759
Phone: (316) 660-0100
Fax: (316) 660-0166