Community Development community development

One goal of K-State Research and Extension is to provide technical assistance and evidence-based programs to citizens who want to make sure their communities survive and prosper. K-State Research and Extension can play a key role in helping people create a vision across traditional geographical, sociological, and political boundaries. We can help your community become a better place to live, work, and play.

Building Better Communities

The Kansas PRIDE Program is a partnership of K-State Research and Extension, the Kansas Department of Commerce, Kansas Masons and Kansas PRIDE, Inc. Kansas PRIDE is dedicated to serving communities across the state to encourage and assist local government and volunteers in making their community a better place to live and work. Through the Kansas PRIDE program, local communities identify what they would like to preserve, create, or improve for their future. Then, working with the resources of K-State Research & Extension and the Kansas Department of Commerce, community volunteers pull together to create their ideal community future.

Grant Writing

Grants are a vital piece in your community's funding puzzle...and you can do it!

K-State Research and Extension's Community Vitality Team offers grant writing workshops for local communities.


  • Conquer your grant writing fears and start writing.
  • Learn new sources of data to document community needs.
  • Learn new sources of grant funding.
  • Practice developing the grant Elements: Problem, Outcomes, Activities, Evaluation, and Budget.

Short Term Outcomes:

  • 93% have increased confidence to write a successful grant.
  • 97% learned new sources of data to document community needs.
  • 96% learned new sources for finding grants.
  • 93% have increased confidence to develop the elements of a successful grant.
  • 86% gained confidence at writing a grant budget.

Click here to view and register for upcoming workshops.


Electronic meetings: Establishing meeting rules
Boards should adopt special rules before holding an electronic meeting to maintain an orderly meeting

Youth Community Perceptions

Want to involve youth in your community? Youth Community Perceptions can help youth learn how to identify needs and opportunities that exist for your community's future and work with community leaders to make a difference.

Contact Information

Have questions? Contact:

Dr. Jennifer Brantley, PhD
Director and Community Vitality Agent