Gray for a Day

Grades: 4-8
Time: 45 minutes



This Lesson is Available Starting Spring 2024

Gray for a Day utilizes an empathic model to educate students on the age-related sensory and functional challenges that older adults might face. Participants will get to "gear up" to discover what it is like to live with age-related conditions. Students will don common items like glasses, earplugs, and gloves with some modifications to mimic conditions like arthritis, hearing loss, and cataracts. They will then complete a series of usually easy tasks to get an experience for what it is like to have some of the conditions.

This activity is currently provided in a kit format with all supplies a teacher would need to compete the activity. The kit can accommodate a maximum of 32 student participants. There are 6 potential small group activities to be competed. A teacher can choose as many or few of these activities to suit their needs.

The kit includes:

  • Teacher Guide and Curriculum
  • Let's Get Gray Materials
    • Simulation glasses
    • Ear Plugs
    • Gloves
    • Straws
    • Masking Tape
    • Craft Sticks
    • Popcorn Kernels
  • Small Group Activity Materials
    • Yarn
    • White Boards
    • Activity Que Cards
    • Nutrition Labels
    • Pill Containers
    • Medication Bottles with Beads

Teacher can optionally provide:

  • Large clothes with buttons / zippers / snaps
  • Empty household containers (toothpaste tube, contact lens case, shampoo bottle, etc.)
  • Jumbo Marshmallows
  • A small group set of computers / tablets

Availability: This class kit will be available January-May. 4 weeks of advance notice is required to schedule this lesson and ensure the kit is prepared.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Understand how the senses and functional abilities can decline with age
  • Experience age-related sensory and functional decline
  • Understand the influence of sensory and functional decline on daily life
  • Be encouraged to develop the skills necessary to effectively interact with and support someone who may be experiencing age-related sensory and functional challenges
  • Understand how taking steps to improve or maintain your health now will contribute to sensory and functional well-being in the future